Saturday, November 29, 2008

Remove or stay?

Hi everyone Ming li here ^^
I was wondering. You know that cbox we have at the side? The red one. Yes, that one.
I found out that the cbox is actually connected to other blogs, so it's confusing to know who is who.
And anyway, we're NOT using it are we? WE HARDLY ARE!!!

Please cast your votes on whether you want us to keep it or delete it.
Please leave your comments.
Thank you

And if you ever get forward emails. DO NOT FORWARD THEM
delete them unless they have a GOOD POSITIVE MEANING

(a few days later, same person ah)
Ok, so I just came back from Summer's baptism like....5 hours ago. Anyway, I also wanna know whether YOU BOYS want a new background. I rather had notice earlier that the background was really really girly-ish nice. ( I LIKE IT OK) So...If you girls would also like a new one, please, say so.

Friday, November 28, 2008

I just realized this, but, Ivan, you're gonna' see liu lao shi in s'pore*wait for it* lahh.
Minggg... now we have the cbox but no one from 'our people' are chatting in it. Except for Zhi-Qi (is it you, zhi-qi? the one that is nicknamed 'qiqi'?) and me.
Singapore is.. 5 days away, counting today.



Thursday, November 27, 2008

So..Let's begin with our first story.

Well...since no one really MADE a real story in our blog. I thought. Wat the heck, I have the book of memories with me.Yes, the one winston and i started in the middle of this year. I'm going to have to skip all the bad stuff. BUT HERE IS ONE THAT I FOUND QUITE FUNNY
-hold on i'll go get the book-
Remember that day in english class when we were going through our english test paper? (I forgot wat day dat was). Teacher David was explaining wat you could put in that sentence
TD: SO, you can put, 'the pretty woman was singing...blahblahblah' (no he didn't say blah, otherwise he'll be fired)
Then Ivan raises his hand, and ask.
TD:o.o the lady in the picture sexy meh??
And, if u remember, the whole class, boys only. shouted
and wai loon was like "WOOHOO!' And did that slim thing. you know when you make your hands do the slim posture. Yeah.
That Ming Li

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I'm getting baptist this week!
Big issue 4 me.
Got alot of worries too......
Like: What if I don't arrive on time?, What if I can't even WAKE UP?!!!!, What if I forgot my speech?, What if I couldn't breathe underwater?, What if......
As you can see i'm in a wreck.
Can't sleep at night.
By the way who wants to come to my Baptism?


YES!!! WE FINALLY HAVE A CBOX OF OUR OWN!!! YEAHHH PLease feel free to use it! But don't lag up the whole place kay? and forget about the people called dylan and spammer. I'm not sure how they got there when i uploaded it. ^^ oh by the way this is ming li


yay!!few more days 2 singapore man!!! omg!!!so happy!!!!!!!!!!!can meet my friends again le......

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ming Li here. I'm just putting Joo Ann's rules up for the blog

1. You shall not give the password to anybody else, except if that guy, or girl, is from our class who did not get this mail. SO REMEMBER. KEEP THE PASSWORDS AND USERNAMES TO THE 6U PEOPLE ONLY

2.You shall not write lovey-dovey stuff in it. *Remembers what liu fu xiao zhang said* *shudders* and you shall not write foul language in it. Including 'fish', *looks at Winston with suspicious looking eyes* And that's about it. will come up with more next time. (But it looks like winston has already done it)
(ok a few more)
3. Take note we do not want anything on this blog that will lag everyone's computer.
4. We do not want any pointless stuff on this blog that WILL and CAN lag our computers. Who ever is the person who does it and lags our computers will take responsibility.
5.It's nice to know that you can help us with putting up more gadgets on our blog. But before that, let Summer, Joo Ann, or me, take futher notice on wat you are putting on first
6.If you do not go according to the rules, your post or gadget will be deleted instantly by us.
7. But you are free to write about the good stuff.
Thank you for your co-operation

OMG*sob sob*

OMG!!! i miss u guys soo much even though i transfer skool i miss u guys so much!!!*sob sob* keep in touch ppl!!! *shows peace sign* lolx!^.^

(ming li- this was suppose to be jean. I'm only helping her edit her post. Because she didn't put her name. And space on this blog is precious)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Our background

Yes, hope you like the new background. All thanks to zhi qi!! *clap clap* And if you guys wish for any change, please tell me or her ^^

Elo All ~!

Elo all ~!
u may see de POLL
I make de ^^
Nice ?/
OMG ~!
NICE >.<
BY : puppyzhi-qi aka Zhi-Qi * HU DONO I AM GOINH TO KILL U GRR....
GO MY BLOG >.< :
>.< U ALL BETTER GO NOW !~~!~!~!~!
CYAZ >.<

Singapore Trip

Ming Li here again. Okay, for some of you who don't know yet, Cikgu Chong can't really read Chinese (that's an amazing fact huh? I was shocked). SO..he actually read to us the stuff you couldn't bring to SARAWAK. He thought he was reading the stuff you couldn't bring to SINGAPORE.
SO, after some correction with Liu Lao Shi, this is the list of stuff you can bring and not bring

Can - Liquids, such as shampoo, toothpaste, is allowed to be brought. you see actually, this was for the sarawak trip, and you can't bring them on the plane coz' they're afraid it's for a bomb (wtheck). So you may bring your shampoos or shared them with your frens.
Please bring shoes that covers your whole feet, and we're gonna walk around a LOT ok.
Toiletries, such as towels, is a must-towels, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc etc
And slippers for the toilet. IF YOU WANT LAR

Cannot-Sharp stuff. example knife, scissors. Or the security will give you a fine or something ><
Chewing gum, heck no
Slippers, flip flop, they'll break probably if you bring them and walk in them the whole day
Medicine, the teachers will be supplying them so don't worry, and if you do bring them they'll think it's DRUGS *argh*

Cameras, phones, mp3s, video games are to be your own responsibility. And so those your own belongings. Any other questions you can ask me or liu lao shi or you yi


11月13日(星期四),一早还未来得及进班,就得跟校长到SRI KDU拿成绩。当校长结果成绩的当儿。我们都很紧张

Sien....could not see Liu Lao Shi anymore.........and even miss my grad day sob so sad i gotta say bie to all my good friends like jie thing and aaron etc.Haiz so this is wat i have to remember my freinds and second way to keep in touch with my frends...o ya and Winston,pls stop saying "Fish!!!!!!" it gives me headache...i wonder how many ppl is in thhis blog pls post the amount to me soon Ming LI From:Ivan!!! PS:Duck!Duck!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


If you don't have an account on the far right side corner which i've already sent to everyone an invite to be an author of the site, PLEASE write your name after your post. If not we won't know who you are. Oh and, does anyone know how to create a cbox or a shoutbox or whatever box you call it? Please help if you do. Cause I've tried and i failed and i'm lazy to try again. Kay? Thanks.
(since i already have my name down there, i don't have to write my name, but, anyway, i'm Joo Ann. =.='')


Hi guys, sorry I couldn't be there during grad day. To those of you who have my e-mail sorry 'cause I didn't contact you for about.... 3 weeks? I had a lot up those few weeks. SORRY.

Friday, November 21, 2008

To those of you people who don't see the picture that i said i wanted to post. it is all the way down there.. scroll all the way down. And, if u don't like the pic, change it for all i care, but say so anyway.

Joo Ann. XD


So bored!
And annoyed.
Nah I wount rat out on him
Can't everyone stop asking me for the password of this blog and just check their mail?
And after I tell you EVERYTHING I repeat EVERYTHING!
You say:" I dunno wat to write lah"
Good for nothing little boy!
*annoyed annoyed annoyed*
Yeessh (again)
Can someone like tell me what to do in the holidays?
You know, besides playing the computer, watching TV etc. ect.
( basically something besides ruining my eyes)

Graduation Day.

OK, uhm... i'm Joo Ann. What's happening to the Sepang Goldcoast day trip now, Ming? Our theme colour is purple? Cool.
We finally have a bloggie! Aghh!
Ok, now, to show you my point of view of my graduation day. (Last Friday, 14 Nov 08)

We marched side by side, two by two down the aisle of the hall. Our feet raised and dropped with the beat of the music (that sounded like some Michael Jackson song). Our maroon graduation robes were hanging loosely on our shoulders. And our hats? Let’s just say they did not stay on our heads for very long.

We lined up in the canteen according to our places in rehearsal. “The last time we’ll be doing this, no more rehearsals anymore.” I said to Adriana. Everything. The last time. Everyone was scattered everywhere, chatting, laughing, and taking photos.

Finally, the music came on, I felt the beat of the rhythm, swaying along, taking deep breaths as the line started moving, and chatting into Pei Lin’s ear. Parents were everywhere. Absolutely EVERYWHERE. They filled the hall, the second floor, and some even on the third floor. And some, blocked the way to our seats. **ahem, remember Adriana?** Anyway, we sat nervously, fixing our hair, fixing our robes, and smiling as if the world would end to the cameras. Then it was time for Han Zhen and his gang of singlet wearing kung fu fan-cloth holding fighters to dance on stage. *oooh! Clap clap* And then the Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Important People go on stage to give out Very Very Very Very Very Very long speeches. And then Diablo (che ling) performance.

After that, it was time for the winners *ahem* to go all the way to the back of the stage (in the corridor to the left of the stage) and wait for what seemed like hours to Summer and I. “You take the trophies back to my place later ah!” “Why not you just leave it on the floor so we could just collect our own ones after the thing?!” “Aihz, Joo Ann, walk seven steps to my place also cannot meh?! Can ‘jian fei’ what! (lose weight)” (Summer and my conversation during waiting time.)

After lots of grinning to each and every camera and bugging Shengy whether I’m supposed to smile, we went back, (me, carrying three trophies (one Summer’s) and a certificate. *ahem*) and we sat down. Again. And then May Yen, Zhi-Qi and Cha Yee’s (and others) fan dance. **Cha Yee, Maymay, Zhi-Qi---I liked your make-up** And then, it was some Kadazan or Sumazau Dance (Either Sabah or Sarawak) by the std 1 or 2 students. **so cute weii** And then, time for us (singing people, which I’d like to say Choir) to march to the basketball courts.

SINGING TIMEE!!!! We were singing our hearts out on stage. (at least I was) and I almost lost my voice. I could see students starting to cry. Then after the first song, I turned to Adriana, “Are you crying yet?” “Nop.” “Me too. I want to cry but I can’t” “Me too, eh! People starting to cry already!!” “I know! Which one are you seeing? Where!! WHERE!!!?” And then the second song started. *mouth close shut* *mouth open to sing*

After all four songs, Cikgu Ho asked us to pull (actually, turn) our ‘xiang paos’ the Pop pop. The Pop Pop. (The confetti thingy lah.) We marched back down, shook hands with the V.I.Ps and the teachers. (The great teachers, to be exact.) and I saw Liu lao shi crying. And Ming Li stood up to pat our backs and say, “Don’t cry ahh, don’t cry ahh” to all of us.

And then we went to the canteen. My face was still completely dry then. Then, I saw Siew Huey came to me sobbing and crying her heart out. I hugged her tight in my arms. I could feel her sobbing. Tears started welling up in my eyes. I looked at Adriana, she looked at me, stunned. Then, I started crying. =(. We hugged for a very long time. After that we went to take photos, and we went up at 11++pm to give back the bi ye pao (graduation robe things + hat) to teacher and get our certs. **CERTS!!!** lol. And then we hugged. Then, we went to makan. *yum yum* Then I went to Summer’s house until 2pm. Then I went home.

(Oh, and btw, don't gossip or make fun of teachers here, cause teachers actually also know the password and the username and the website. hehe. before anything bad happens lah. Before you know it when we go back for teachers day next year the teachers would look at us and start scolding us. *if we gossip bout them)

Joo Ann~ ^^ OH, and btw, i'm the one who put the pic there, if you wanna change it, then change it, but at least put half the class in there, and not yourself posing with your handbag or anything. XD tata~

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Linked for 6 years and will go strong forever.

Come one, come all!! UNITE!! (like a banana!!)
OK i was just kidding. >.<
But anyway.. WELCOME TO OUR HOME-E 6U BLOG!!! I am your host (just one of them)Ming Li. Everyone and Anyone is Invited to come and look at our blog and share a lil' bit of our HAPPINESS AND LOVE from the NEVER ENDING JOYFUL, WARM, CUTE, GOOD-LOOKIN', N TASTY (wat the heck) LOVER-LY PEOPLE FROM 6U!!!!
-eh-hm- (I just notice that was a bit to dramatic)
Anyway ^^ this blog is only supposed to be written by us from 6U only, whoever it is. SO THOSE WHO ARE NOT FROM 6U (or even if they are from 6U) you may sit back and relax!! And enjoy our funny, looney, insane crazy jokes we have under our sleeves!! (including bags, pencil boxes, pockets.. etc etc...underwear not counted)
As you can see, purple is our theme color and everyone loves purple, including me, but we're not really sure how to change the back ground color (so someone teach us pls). Our class theme song is I'm yours by Jason Mraz (woohoo!) and our theme food is....anything...seriously...including cake ^^.
Please understand that this blog is shared between at least 42 to 20 people (hopefull 20 only, or maybe more). AND ALSO!! (this is important) THIS BLOG IS ONLY FOR US WHO STARTED ON 1U IN 2003 AND FINISHED ON 2008!!! 'U' CLASSES THAT HAVE NOT BEGIN OR END ON THE FOLLOWING YEARS ARE NOT COUNTED! so there... so please take note on that..
And now, please come back everytime to check out our blog every now and then for the updates!! And also take note that you host might change on every single entry we have!! But please don't fear! For they will be exotic and unique in every diffrent way you could possibly think of!!

So please come back to be entertained by us!! And 6U will reveal our hidden stories and secrets to everyone!! (only to the readers of this blog only) ENJOY!!
-ming li

Hi 6U!

Hi 6U!

This is our blog.

I guess Joo Ann already told you guys about it.

We sent you the password already so you just have to check your mail.

You can write anything in it.

Try forcing the whole class to write coz this is the only way to keep up with each other lives.

Also pls pls PLS write your name after you have an entryon this blog so we will know who wrote it.

Summer ^^