Thursday, November 20, 2008

Linked for 6 years and will go strong forever.

Come one, come all!! UNITE!! (like a banana!!)
OK i was just kidding. >.<
But anyway.. WELCOME TO OUR HOME-E 6U BLOG!!! I am your host (just one of them)Ming Li. Everyone and Anyone is Invited to come and look at our blog and share a lil' bit of our HAPPINESS AND LOVE from the NEVER ENDING JOYFUL, WARM, CUTE, GOOD-LOOKIN', N TASTY (wat the heck) LOVER-LY PEOPLE FROM 6U!!!!
-eh-hm- (I just notice that was a bit to dramatic)
Anyway ^^ this blog is only supposed to be written by us from 6U only, whoever it is. SO THOSE WHO ARE NOT FROM 6U (or even if they are from 6U) you may sit back and relax!! And enjoy our funny, looney, insane crazy jokes we have under our sleeves!! (including bags, pencil boxes, pockets.. etc etc...underwear not counted)
As you can see, purple is our theme color and everyone loves purple, including me, but we're not really sure how to change the back ground color (so someone teach us pls). Our class theme song is I'm yours by Jason Mraz (woohoo!) and our theme food is....anything...seriously...including cake ^^.
Please understand that this blog is shared between at least 42 to 20 people (hopefull 20 only, or maybe more). AND ALSO!! (this is important) THIS BLOG IS ONLY FOR US WHO STARTED ON 1U IN 2003 AND FINISHED ON 2008!!! 'U' CLASSES THAT HAVE NOT BEGIN OR END ON THE FOLLOWING YEARS ARE NOT COUNTED! so there... so please take note on that..
And now, please come back everytime to check out our blog every now and then for the updates!! And also take note that you host might change on every single entry we have!! But please don't fear! For they will be exotic and unique in every diffrent way you could possibly think of!!

So please come back to be entertained by us!! And 6U will reveal our hidden stories and secrets to everyone!! (only to the readers of this blog only) ENJOY!!
-ming li


Anonymous said...

heya. I'm not - never was - from the purple class, but I must say, it seems like the most jovial class. EVER.

To change the layout, you can pick a template and change the font and colours in the layout page.

Or you could go to and look for blogger templates. they'll teach you how to put it in.

I recommend a shoutbox or a cbox, which allows other people to leave messages rather than comments, which are very, very, very annoying to leave. xD

For the shoutbox, I think is the best. Quick, easy, many themes to choose from.

You might want to try making a links list.
Linking everyone and anyone.

You can get this links list in the page elements page.

I'm not sure right now, if you're using a classic version of the layouts page, or the modernized version. Well, if you're using the classic version, upgrade it to the modern one - there's a button RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE of it, so you can't miss it. Really.

Anyway, once you have the modernized version, the dashboard, under the blog name will be the number of posts so far, and last published when... Under that is a button saying new post, and after that - to the right - are three links saying: Edit Posts; Settings; Layout. Oh and then there is a View Blog link too.

Now that's really the basics.

If you have anymore questions...

add me.