Saturday, February 28, 2009

No Promises.

Life is a maze,
Love is a riddle.

I got the letter for the award thingy. Next Saturday, 2pm. People who don't need to go. Please try to come, well I'm not sure whether we're going anywhere in the morning. Ming? Liu lao shi? O.o why is no one answering me.

Oh by the way,
I'm still using Grey Little.
He still has little fans squeezing his face and admiring his no mouth-ness.
Is there such a word?
Same statement everywhere, "So CUTE!"
I'm like a walking star.
OK, maybe I'm thy star's chauffeur.
or maybe he isn't a star after all.
you may ask why i'm talking rubbish here.
'cause i'm stressed.
i have 12 hw and doing the second one.
BYe. ciao. Whatever.