Friday, May 29, 2009

Hi guys it's me summer! Long time haven't been on the 6U blog. Been busy with my own. I miss you guys so much! Can't believe we're gonna have the reunion so soon.

Guys, I have a favour to ask. Can you guys keep on posting stuff? Until we reach the 100th post? Because you see, there are many other class blogs too: 6M, 6K, 6J, 6U so I guess you can say we are in competition with others. So can you guys keep on posting? But post real stuff, not just like a 'hi!' or 'bye!' ok?

So far I guess you can say we are in the lead -.-'' Even though this blog isn't one years old yet hmmmm

Teacher's day rocked! Prefects singing was great. But I wasn't singing Joo Ann, okays? Ming Li you should have come. You know when they were singing I'm yours, then everyone started waving their hands in the air singing along. And someone was shaking their butt. They looked so adorable.

I love being a prefect!!! I wish everyone in 6U was in SMKDU. I miss you guys loads ahaha. I'm sounding like Joo Ann rite?

Jai Ho!