Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today is Saturday and I have to go back to school...for the replacement during september and hari raya ,today got perhimpunan; omg there is sooo many empty place 0.0 ! and i was damn dumb ! Hun ! Ding dong me >.< ! I shouldn't have go to school;din't thought of that way -.- !!!

After the perhimpunan, went back to class. 1st period was Sivik, teacher din't came so u know lah...chit-chat etc. 2nd Sejarah, learn new chapter. The chinese, eesshh don't like chinese so me and a girl name shanie when to PONTENG. So, then we went to form 3 classes, walk here walk there. And suddenly a boy came and told me and shanie to go and see Pn.LEE she's a bitch (disiplin teacher) . Then we don't want to go and see her, so we keep going to the washroom instead. After that, we were standing outside then we saw this pengawas name Nigel Chan;Form 5 we ask for help.

Lucky us, so he brought us back to class and told me and shanie chinese teacher and say: We went and help for the anugera cermelang thingy ahaha safe but then got DIMERIT 20 =x sadly. Another 14 marks then gantung sekolah T^T. I told the other pengawas Timothy Teh;Form 3 and he say don't worry I incharge for the merit/dimerit thingy one. So, i dimerit u and shanie 5 only. ^^ phew~ .

After chinese, Geo teacher din't came too...Then rehat, rehat was as usual . But 1 thing different I hv ice-cream =D lawls. After rehat then Science, have to copy alot of words to the buku nota and many pages to do (homework) nahh who cares i always don't do one but except for some subject ;] . Then goes to Bm , teacher din't came so another teacher came in. She ask us to clean the class...after that, i look outside to look at boys, anugerah thingy, ppl singing :) .

Haiz...really regret to go to school tdy...='( but at least get to play ? talk ? xD LOL .
RING...bell rang ( after school) waited...waited for vey long. 12:35 finish then 1:45 only my tuition teacher come and pick me up >.< ! Luckily, my kor kor came and play jokes with me and teman me. Ahaha thx kor kor -^.^- !

Bye ~ off to lunch ;D . *gaps*
Rachel (: