Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hey everyone =D

So what the uppings as usual?? =D
Omygoodness. School running marathon was CREI-CCC (crazy)
. I survived it in like wat..? 8 songs. Which was probably like 20 minutes or something (cause i brought my mp3). I tell you man. I was nearly reaching back to the school when suddenly out of no where Aaron and Norman just RANNNN past me. And they only started like 15 minutes after us!!! (HOW DID THEY CATCH UP WITH MMEEEE?!!) Well anyway i managed to get back to school fine, sweating so bad. And seriously, my legs are giving way this morning, they were so sore when i woke up XO And now i feel like doing it all over again, cause i liked it. Though it was torturing (really bad, goodness gracious me) We were running past Yi Shan's house too =D
And I didn't manage to go for the interview so there, so it's next week. And i'll be taking Joo Ann along, so those who wanna come with me better tell me wooi
And I think I might wanna do a picture for our blog too =D
Btw Sheng Xian has the same cellphone as me lol. Same colour too o.o =O
Anyway, I miss you guys as usual /=) Contact me pleaseeeeeeeeee, send me emails, sms, phonecalls, whatever. (so long as i receive them =/)
Happy Easter =D