Saturday, April 25, 2009

Plain White T's Dedication song

Hey everyone Ming Li here =D And I'd like to share something with all of you. ^^
As you all know, the singer for Hey there Delilah is most likely Plain White T's
And now, P.W.T's just made a song called 1234 I love you
This is what happens when I went onto youtube to look at the video =D
(here's the link )
'Dedicate Plain White T's 1234 I love you song, to someone else. ' And if you have a youtube account I think they'll give you a picture and whatever.
Well anyway, I don't have any youtube account. And i can't shout it out to the world. So since this is our lazing 'in-case' spot, this is probably what I'll say:

I'd like to dedicate this song to all my friends, and from the other classes in that primary school. And most of all my 6-years on going classroom that is really important to me. =D I'd like to say 'I love you as much as 1234 could go'. And thank you so much for every thing. =) I loves you XD. And to my 4 best friends, I love you all like mad =).

So what'ca waiting for??? Post you dedication on the blog. I'm sure i did =D
