Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I got the invatation

Hi everyone, it's me again. Ming Li
Number one I'm tired
So....guess wat.....?
The Manga competition i entered....
I got the invatation.
i'm not feeling anything now because I"m really tired. And so I'm not that excited. Well a lil' but not that..
so wat should i do?
i mean they are going to give the results there.
And I have no clue what's going to happen after that
no clue where it is besides knowing that it's at Hotel Armada. Anyone can give me instructions or something to tell me how to get there?
can someone come with me too?
Joo? Summer?? Shengy?? Ivan?? Rachel??
I'm really tired now. I have to get off soon.
Can someone please help me
good nite