Friday, August 21, 2009


I skipped school today 'cause I had piano exam in the morning.

the examiner didn't look like Santa Claus, like the one i had last year. T.T

ohwell. No one ever writes about their life. summeriedoodle, i've been to tropicana city only like, three times. heh. And it's so close to my house.

Holidays start from tomorrow. I promised that i would study, and at least try to brush up on my work. But... *glances away* I don't know whether i can keep that promise..

I read Inkheart, starting Inkspell. (borrowed from cousin, the trilogy)

Sum, how's Where Rainbows End? My sister borrowed it from her friend last time, but i didn't bother reading it.


H1N1.. *sigh*


Merahmu bara semangat waja
Putihmu bersih budi pekerti
Kuning berdaulat payung negara
Biru perpaduan kami semua

They kept playing it during assembly. My friend thought it was our morning exercise song. (Sometimes we have morning exercises during assembly, and the prefects would be doing star jumps and stretching on the podium while all of us are forced to follow, and groan at the same time.)

Oh, I was supposed to ask for the piano examiner's autograph. Instead I just said 'Thank you, Sir' and ran off. T.T

It was done in 6 minutes, so not worth all my fidgiting and coldness and nervousness and practising and and.. such.

O.o reunion? bah.
