Friday, July 3, 2009

jooannhere; let the pics do the talking. Dedicated to Minggie, since the bday post din't have any pics. I should stop talking. XD

Grad '08; 6U; Ming hugging me, Ckg. Asmawati in background. miss her XP. Ooh! rmb the calender I kept fighting to rip off the pages?! Sigh.. good ol' times.
Childrens' Day, Rachel and Summer. Summer looks so happy. *drools, all the yummy food as backdrop* heh.
Childrens' Day; 6U; Balloons ;D Ming, Rachel. happy people.
my house; my bed; MING reading my book, wearing my fav Redang tee. Reading in a sort-of-weird-ish position. Don't you think?
Childrens' Day; 6U; Ming camwhoring by herself. ;D Remember the little green stools?! I miss them! Don't you? *sigh again in admiration stools.* wth.
Graduation '08; me, ming.
S'pore bird park.. Dec '08.. ; me, ming.
S'pore: Merlion that place; me, ming.
Bus :D MING LI! (i asked her to turn behind and i took that)
Since there weren't any pictures of Ming in the last post when it was about her. Then. Here they are.

and, there's more to come in the bright future ahead!

my sch's concert is coming in two weeks; parent teacher meet on Mon *eep*; ooh, and summerrie, Janjan is dancing with a guy and a scarf! (for concert) Heh. Had to say that. Miss you guys a lot. Still looking forward to that non-existant-ish movie marathon, and Reunion no. 2? sigh. Yawn...

Joo Ann was here. And Joo Ann going out. *snore*