Sunday, July 12, 2009


Life is a maze and love is a riddle.

Hello everyone. I'm jooann. I'm supposed to be doing chinese now, But i'm just so tempted. The computer is just in front of my untouched book.

La la la la la...

Elin. YOu're back! It's been a loooooooooong time since i last saw you. Don't know whether you're going to read this. Ming, remember in standard 3/4 we were always playing in the canteen xiao men while eating and playing tag and all that by the poles? I remember. Sweet old times. With Elin, Jolin and a few other people. Sigh. Such good memories. and u guys were already writing fantasy stories. And Elin was Supah Dupah good at drawing Winx Club stuff i think. Haha. I still remember looking at her drawings in awe.

So, who wants to go to the gathering this Sunday? I'm not sure whether I can go... But anyone else? Ming said she was sending the mails. Summer, it's a long time since i've talked to you! I miss you so much!
And everyone else... Sigh. Hee. I'm still thinking about our Dream House Kajian Tempatan Sky House Project. HAha. Ms. Pau wanted to be in our group so he didn't have to do much. (he thought he wouldn't have to do anything) but he did a lot too. Well anyway, it was his birthday last Tuesday.. So...

Happy belated 13th Birthday Ms. Pau!!!
Pink, because, well, you're Ms. Pau.
And how are you in Klang Wesley? Too bad you couldn't come to Sentul Wesley. La la la la la~

I still remember when zhi-qi forced you to wear her checkered mini skirt during Science. Qiu Lao Shi was like glaring at us laughing freaks. And then u quickly took it off. haha.

Oh well. Gotta go do chinese. D: Bye.

School tomorrow; full dress rehearsal in four days, australian cousin coming back in two, concert day in five. >,< >Stupid tight fitting kebaya, make us walk like penguins. can't even walk up the stairs properly. lalala. I really miss PC2.

Oh, and btw, I just emailed Mr. Hiew, and asked him when was Family day.. Everyone has to go!!!!!
But he said maybe they tak sempat to organise. But I hope there is Family Day! REUNION TIME AGAIN!!!
