Sunday, June 14, 2009


i'm jooann btw.

I was happily typing away when the laptop had to run out of battery right then.
Of all times!

and now I just lost half of my lovely post just now. OK maybe quarter and it wasn't much but it was worth typing! and now *whoosh* just like that. Kabam kaboom out the window into the toilet bowl.

OK I might be adding a little pepper to it. Blah. Lemme' just continue.

OK. As I was typing. *ahem*

In less than 24 hours our holiday will end. Just like that. Oh, how I wish I could go back to last Monday when I went swimming. T.T


Too bad our reunion din't turn out right. Sigh.
Well we'll have it in... September or October or somewhere.

And on 24th of JUNE it'll be MINGie's birthday!!!

So are you celebrating? Huh? HUH?!

I already got my surprising gear ready.

You didn't see that, Ming.

la. lala. ladeedum.

I feel so empty and happy and... hungry all of a sudden.
Food. I. Need. Food.
Chocolates and chips would be mighty fine about now.

Wait, I havn't eaten my lunch yet.

Ming, I neeeed Harvest Moon.
Even if i don't know how to play it. I'll just simply go around finding people to talk to. Lol.

The last time I remember seeing Harvest Moon was when my sister was playing it.
We sat on the couch for the whole day. Ahh. Sweet memories. Picking flowers for girls on the mountainside and sitting in the spring watching the guy there throw food into the waterfall to ask the dunnowhat Goddess for wishes or something.

Gah. What am I saying.

I wanna go back to puay chaiiii 2!

I miss reaching school at 7am and sitting by the window watching pink candy floss clouds roll by. and if I ever missed the clouds I would scream at that whoever unlucky one that sits next to me.

Ah, the joyful times. Except that I wasn't the one who did much screaming those days except std 5 when I had to. i was ban zhang and i had to sort out the dian ming thingy with pei lin. Ahha.

Oh well. Back to reality.

Ooh. It's lunch time!