Tuesday, April 7, 2009

...must ah?

Ming again,=)
So i'm quite happy that once again, some people have taken time to write in the blog. (least it's not lifeless). One thing I'm quite curious about is why they only show one post when you get to the page. Joo, or someone else please fix this. I have no time now. Because if my mom comes down any sooner she'll start giving me another lecture.
Well anyway. For starters.
Don't worry Ivan, I haven't given away my PS3 yet. Not really planning too. And I might be selling it for at least...whats a good bid? Since the original price is at least RM1600 or something like that, therefore, I'm trying to sell it for RM1300, or less, if i decide on that =) If you wanna get it cheap while you still can, better tell me, cause my brother's friend is giving me bids on selling that...well not bids, but he's thinking whether he should buy it though. Then again, i might just keep it. =D If i do, i'll invite some of you to come over and play a few games. Don't worry Ivan, you can come too.
Oh yeah and Sheng Xian? Sorry i couldn't reply your sms the other day. No credit. Will look forward to seeing your new celephone =)) TAKE A PICTURE OF IT!!!
And also, after the first interview i had. I'm having another (terrible) one. Hopefully there won't be any cameras...or dialogues, or whatever the cwap.
O__________O omy shit. I just read this email i got from them, this is wat it says:

Hi Ming Li-chan!
Ohisashiburi! Wow...was it that long ago? lol Time flies...maa neee~ @_@
I was thinking of this weekend. I think Yen Li couldn't make it this weekend- Saturday, but I will have to check with the writer first who will be doing most of the chatting. His name is Calvin Wong.
Oh, your parents are invited to come along if they like.
So meeting date is to be confirmed.
Probably the New Wing - 1 Utama. ^^
Shinpai shinaide ne! We will be keeping in touch for sure. ^_^
Hey, do you know that you can send your art work to our My Section in My Manga? It can be anime/fan art or original art. We will be publishing them on a first come first serve basis too.
Here's the URL should you have anything you want to showcase in our upcoming issue of My Manga,
Any questions, you know who to ask!
Oh BTW...Ming Li, the Grand Champion, we would like you to do a drawing that will be featured as a front cover of My Manga.
If you want, you can draw the main character of your Dragon's Maiden, or an original drawing.
As usual, if you have any questions, please ask!
Ganbatte neee~!!
Cheers and uryaaa
O________O *breathes, breathes, breathes* *gasps* front...*wheeze* PAGE OoO. *breathe breath* NONONOONNNOONONNON NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOO NOO NOO MERCY PLEASE T_T
(well, i won't mind doing it, so long they give me a few bucks =D $ u $ MONEY here we COME)
but seriously....why address me like that -__-....i'm not high-and-mighty....i just draw
Well anyway, i Most likely won't draw the characters from DRAGONS'S MAIDEN (gosh i hate that title) (well not hate, i just seriously couldn't think about anything better). Maybe the characters from RAINS angel....then maybe then again...no.
Hold gotta reply her
ok done...
I asked if i will get paid.XD If i do I'm gonna have to buy another controler for my ps3. If posible...3 more, then more people can play!!! XD XD
Joo you are most welcomed to come with me to the interview. But being interviewed won't get you paid XD anyone who wanna come with me is OK too
Gtg, brother gonna kill me, 11PM plus already and tired.