Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Honey, I'm home!

Heh, random title.




Oh, right.

On Dec 1 2008, The Cheetah Girls was on Disney Channel; on Dec 1 2009 it was also showing on Disney Channel.

But I remember it clearly because I was comfy in my pjs watching tv when Adriana called from her grandma's house, and interrupted my show. Haha, anyway, she told me to look at the moon. After that my sister came down and asked me "Why does she want you to look at the moon?" Then I became angry at her for eavesdropping so I continued watching my show.

What I didn't know was that I missed the sight of this:

Smiling moon. :D
(I took this from Google btw.)

Those two white dots are planets I think. Not stars.
Jupiter and..Hmm.

So, then on Dec 2 2008 we woke up at 5:30am to get ready for... SINGAPORE!!!!
We went to school, said our hellos with blur faces. And..we were off!

After Pringles, taking pictures and sms-ing about the pictures, (After 6 hours?)
We reached...


hee I never get tired of saying that.

Anyway, then our journey began. And I still remember the game we played in Liu lao shi's room. Heeheeheee. Smeared powder all over You Yi's face. :D Ahh good times.
AND I won't mention the fact that I slept peacefully through the three nights on the crammed two-single-beds-stuck-together with four of us on top. :O And all three of them complained in the morning while I sit there happily. Summer complained that I kept snatching Sammy. Oops.

Oh, I already mentioned all that.

SIGH. Don't you wish you could go back?

Vivo City. Shopping for chocolates. Sentosa Island, the Pirate thingy, sighh.

A year already passed since then. :( Sigh. Time flies.

P.S,I wanna kitten for Christmas. SIGH again.
P.P.S, I'm going to USA on the 19th. :D HEEE!
P.P.P.S, I dislike holiday homework. Too bad my school gives tons of it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No idea for title

i like the new header. i know i'm late but,sorry n oops.
summer tell me, do u forgive me? everyone else do you forgive me???
i know u guys r like a team cause u were fwens from std 1. i came when i was std 4.feels really left bye.